We had another check-up yesterday and all is good. Amazingly my blood pressure is pretty low, which scared me at first when the nurse asked if that was normal for me. I never paid attention to the numbers and this one was 92/56. Doc reassured me that this was a good thing as long as I didn't have any bad symtoms such as dizzyness or fainting.
Next appt I get to do the one hour glucose test(gestational diabeties), Oh joy. Also we get another ultrasound (April 1st) to check on my placenta's hopeful rise. Right now it is only partially covering my cervix and we have plently of time for it to move. As I understand he wants an ultrasound every 6 weeks to make sure of its progress, but he did add that if it moves away from my cervix it won't "fall" back . . . sigh of relief.
Haven't gotten to the nursery yet. Work is still staying busy as ever and I've been keeping up just to make sure we have enough money saved for my leave. Being self-employed has its perks but no room for maternity leave.
We (my dad) has been working hard on getting the salon in our house so that when it is time to get back to work it will be a little easier. Here are a few pics of the progress. . .
This is the door to the salon coming from our dining room:

This is entering from the outside door looking to the right where the bathroom will be:

Panning slightly to the left to see the door from the dining room:

More to the left, where my station will be:

A better look at the window I get to look out all day as I work:

And finally, this is the view from my station to where the bathroom is and to the right of it is where the entrance from the outside will be:

I am soooo excited to see the progress and to know this is finally working out. I wouldn't be able to do this if it wasn't for my dad. He has been working hard so I can be home more with my little man and still earn a living. I can't thank him enough!! Also thankful that my Stephmom is patient and understands how much I need his help, while his honey-do list at home gets longer.