At our last Doc appt last Thurs we found out that my placenta is slowly moving up and we are currently on the borderline of C-section or natural delivery. Now I'm getting more anxious realizing that I may have to actually push this little boy out myself. I can do it . . . right? **Just smile at me when I start to freak out :)**
Still feeling good and keeping up with work. Did throw in some breaks just to get through the days on my feet (starting to get some swelling towards the end of the day now).
Here's mine and DH's baby pics I copied and put in the nursery so we can see who he's taking after as he gets bigger.

The salon is coming along at a nice manageable pace.
Work in progress, what a mess!!

Hi! I'm glad to hear all is well. Your pictures are GREAT! I love them! I appreciate your support. Not much longer and you're baby will actually be here. Hang in there!
You look great!!! Just a few more weeks to go. Keep up the good work.
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