Lets go back to June 1, Monday. Nothing really unusal going on, me starting to feel really pregnant and up early that morning because I was pretty uncomfortable and the rest of the morning and afternoon kind of crabby. Wondered how I was gonna make it another 6 weeks being preggo.
Luckily work wasn't crazy and had just a few clients to finish in the evening. Two of my regulars (high school boys) came in for haircuts and just finished the first one and was taking off his cape while asking the second one what his haircut plan was and all of a sudden I felt this trickle. At first I thought I started to pee my pants and then the "GUSH". I quickly excused myself and dashed for the bathroom. Talk about bag of water, it seemed endless!! After a moment I peeked out the door and told the other stylist the situation and asked her to get my phone. Also gave a quick and already understood explaination to my waiting client. I called my husband who just happened to be two minutes away with my mom and sister (an RN). Talk about stunned, at first he didn't know if he heard me right! Off to the hospital I went, I even managed to call the Birthcenter to let them know I was coming and cancelled my last appt. before my family picked me up.
At this point, I'm definitely in shock knowing I was only at 34 weeks, but also knew that baby could survive at this point. Still shocked and scared for it all to be happening. No bag packed, no car seat, no idea of what to expect!!
They monitored me and immediately told be they were transferring me to Duluth (at this early they knew I needed and hospital with an specialized NICU). I used to work at this hospital for about 4 years so I knew their reputation.
Within an hour I was loaded up and on my way to St. Mary's 80 miles away. DH couldn't come in the ambulance, poor man had to drive himself while my mom and sister ran to our house to pack a bag for the both of us!! Halfway to Duluth the ambulance broke down and I was picked up by another ambulance. Kind of funny sitting in a gas station parking lot waiting to be put into another ambulance. What must have people be thinking watching that?!?
I forgot to mention the best thing was that I wasn't having any contractions (that I could feel). Before I left for Duluth I was dilated about a fingertip. The rest of the trip was uneventful. Got to the hospital and settled into my new room. Doc came in to examine and give us a rundown of what was going to happen next.
They gave me some meds to help ripen my cervix and in the morning they would induce if I wasn't in labor on my own. One last thing they mentions was the event of an emergency C-section. I was also given an ambien to help me sleep through the night.
DH slept just fine (snoring even). I was anxious and excited to think that with all my issues of low lying placenta they were gonna let me go naturally. WRONG! At 4:30 AM I woke up and had some pain (not at all what I thought a contraction felt like) I got up to go to the bathroom and noticed alot of blood. Still didn't know what to expect with delivering naturally I didn't think anything was wrong. I called the nurse for a new bed pad because of the blood and they came in calmly and changed it, made me lay down and checked my cervix right away.
Nurses converstation:
Nurse 1: What is the cervix at?
Nurse 2: Four? I don't know.
Nurse 1: Whats the read on the cervix? (confused)
Nurse 2: Odd.
Nurse 1: Odd??
Nurse 2: We need the Doc.
Me... still in shock ... and confused since there was no mention of "ODD" in our birth classes.
Doc comes in, quickly gloves up and I'm in for the hurt of my life. Talk about pain!! They threw the oxygen mask on me and had two nurses hold me down. Doc had to feel all the way to baby's head and I was only dilated to 4. Oowwiee!
The next thing I hear is a calm . . . Code Red.
Within seconds I was loaded up with everything and in the operating room before I knew it.
The worst part here was that DH was left in the room by himself after witnessing all the blood and pain. His side of the story breaks my heart more than what I went through. By the time my mom and sister got back to the hospital, Cooper was already delivered.
The C-section went fast initally, and Cooper James was born at 5:09 am June 2. I was pretty calm (in shock) til I heard his crying and then I bawled!! I was so relieved and they quickly held him for me to see before they took him away.
It seemed like forever to get put back together and sent to recovery. The recovery room was dim and I vaguely remember a little boy about 8 years old in there too. I wasn't nervous or anything and I wonder if they gave me something to calm me or if I was still in shock. Weird now that I look back on it.
After recovery they took me to the NICU (on the stretcher still) to see Cooper. This was my first look since the operating room. I was not prepared! He was temporarily on a C-Pap to help him breath.

The good news is by 2 that afternoon it was removed. Replaced with an IV in the top of his head (because it was the only place that worked for his tiny veins) and a nasal canula for oxygen. Still not prepared for seeing him this way.

Our first family photo!

Cooper James, 4 lbs 10 ozs, 18 inches long!

After 11 days in the NICU we finally got to take him home! How tiny he looks in his car seat.

Welcome home Cooper!!

At 20 days!

Today at three weeks old. I can't put him down or take my eyes off of him!

We are so in love with our little man and he was totally worth all we had to go through to welcome him into the world. We are so blessed and would like to thank all you out there for all your prayers and support!!!
OMG! Just catching up and WOW what a ride that must have been! I am so happy that everyone is doing great!
What a crazy story and it must have been a huge shock. Wow! Sounds like you handled it like a champ. I am overjoyed that everything turned out fine and you both are doing so well! Enjoy!!
I was always worried my water would break in public. It sounds like you handled it great. It's amazing what WE can do.
Congrats on your beautiful baby boy!
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