Little Gibby's face and belly . . .

. . . side view of ribs and arm on the bottom . . .

. . . crossing legs . . .

. . . bottom of feet, blurred due to lots of moving. . .

. . . It's a . . .

Keep going!
Little more. . .
Almost there. . .
. . . BOY!!

We are thrilled and DH was still in shock hours after. It was so funny watching everything become more real for him.
Baby Gibby's heartbeat was 167 and heart looked great!
Only one thing that raises some concern, nothing that will affect baby, is that my placenta is on my cervix. Meaning that if it doesn't move up more then I will have to have a C-section. This is ok with me, as long as baby is not affected and pregnancy continues to go as well as it has been.
Now to get started on the nursery!!