Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Nursery Pics!

My mom came and helped all weekend with getting this task accomplished and now I love just going in there and wondering how it going to be when our little boy is finally here!!

We had to remove two borders (one that had been painted over, the other on top of that), then sand the edges between paint and where borders were, clean walls, paint walls, touch up and finally freshened up the trim to a lighter beige.

What a relief to have that done. Still have to get the dresser cleaned up, was going to paint it but instead I will just add new handles and knobs. Will add more pics with those updates.

Belly pics to come next time.


Kathleen Bade said...


and this baby's bed is beautiful!!!

Julia said...

How wonderful the nursery looks. You and our Mom did a great job. I love the layout.

He's going to love it.