So when I left off I had just taken a HPT and it was Neg (so I thought). I was on 14DPO so I figured if I was to get a + it would be loud and clear. On Clomid though, my cycles go from 28 days to 32.
Our plans for Halloween were to drive (3.5 hours) to Grand Forks to go out with DH's friends. On the way there we stopped at Taco Johns and went through the drive thru to save time on the trip. Well the second DH carried the bag into the car it smelled aweful. Something wasn't right, DH thought it was fine. I started to eat my potatoe oles, and they were ick!! DH tasted and said they were fine, I still couldn't eat them, ate my tacos but they seemed off too.
Kept driving and by the time we got to our destination I made DH stop at Target. I bought another test and went straight to the ladies room, peed, stuffed all in my purse and went to the car. Checked it in the car and I saw it, that very faint line. I was questioning what I was seeing b/c I wanted to see IT for soooooo long. DH checked and he saw faint line too.
Called my friend Carrie (she's a pro at these tests) and told her what was going on. She instructed my to go to Walmart and get Equate and Clearblue. Done, but then I couldn't pee. Nervous, Anxious Excited, ETC!!!
We all decided to go to the bar and grab a bite and some drinks (virgin bloody mary for me). So finally right before we headed over to the hockey game I grabbed a plastic cup and headed to the ladies room again.
Peed and did both tests, first the Equate with the plus or minus sign and then the Clearblue digital with the words. Checked the Equate first and couldn't see much the lighting wasn't the best and I was sure that I had gotten my hopes up for nothing. Went to pick up the tests and looked at the Clearblue and . . . . PREGNANT!!!! Clear as day that perfect word I had been dreaming of seeing was spelled out for me.
Next morning and all weekend POAS everyday!!! PREGNANT!!!
Monday labs:
Progesterone = 108 (good, don't need suppositories)
HCG beta = 39
Weds labs:
HCG beta = 87 (Great, numbers are doubling)
I have my first OB appt on December 10th!!!
Thank you all for your prayers and support!