Wednesday, November 19, 2008

One more week . . .

I can't wait, one more week til our first ultrasound. Time is going by so slowly but all is good. I feel great!! No morning sickies, still tired and sometimes would give anything for a nap. Right on the floor where I stand even!!

We are approaching our 7 week mark and I am still in awe that we are finally pregnant! Sometimes I forget and then suddenly out of the blue I get this smile on my face and get all giddy again. Jerry looks at me and says "Did you forget again?" So obvious!!

Did I mention my love of tomatoes lately! I have to have V8 veggie juice every day, sometimes twice. I could take a bite out of a raw tomato right now! Pizza sauce, spagetti sauce, salads, anything with tomatoes!!


Chelle said...

THat's great that you are not feeling sickies! It just hit me this morning. I feel blah. BUT, I totally do the same thing: I forget, and then get a big ole smile on my face when I remember too!

Funilly enough, I have to have my V-8 too!! haha!

Julia said...

I the same way, but with fired chicken. Never craved it before.

Excited for you.