Saturday, December 20, 2008

Happy HoliDAZE!!

I am already exhausted and Christmas is still 5 days away!!

I had my first offical OB appt on the 10th the day we left to go up north to Lutsen. All is great and the best part is that I am not considered "high-risk"!! So I won't be having the amnio and other additional tests. We just went over the rest of what to expect over the next couple appts, had a pap, blood drawn, and urine. Pretty simple.

Lutsen was relaxing and great to catch up with everyone. Got some more great presents for the baby. Bibs, book, journal, and musical frog. So sweet that I would rather open things for baby than myself, but I did get some cute maternity tops from my brother (he drew my name, and my SIL helped)!!

**my pics from Lutsen didn't turn out, only had my cell camera, need one with zoom etc**

This last week has been HELL. This time of year is crazy for me at work, on my feet all day! Its great money, but hard to get everyone in which makes for some long days. Two more days left (Mon and Tues) then I can relax again for a little while.

Tomorrow we are headed to the cities, DH Christmas present from me is a trip down to the Vikings/Falcons football game! We set a limit this year so it worked out pretty good, at least it's something I know he wants and will enjoy!!

To all of you I wish the simple joys of being with loved family and friends. Happy Holidays!!

1 comment:

Julia said...

Glad to hear you had a great trip. Good news on the growing bean too.

Have a Merry Christmas.