Monday, February 16, 2009

Quick update . . .

Today we have our Dr. appt. I really want to hear baby's heartbeat, it still makes me tear up a little. We also find out when we get our ultrasound. My wish is that it's this week but I'm sure I won't get in til sometime next week!

Looking forward to Friday and beginning of the weekend. I head to my BFF's (Ali, 85 miles away) on Friday night and then we leave from her house in Duluth to go to the Cities (another 180 miles) to hang out with Carrie and her fam. Carrie is over at Life in the Soupbowl, we all graduated from high school together and it's been so long since we've gotten to see each other. Man, how our lives have changes since that last time. Carrie is also PG and in just over 3 weeks ahead of me. We have so much to catch up on!!

1 comment:

Sandra said...

I am enjoying living through your exciting pregnancy moments with you!
I was at Mayo with my Dad for a week and thought MN was very pretty.
Take care and savor each moment!