It's time to let you in on the future plans of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert.
As I posted back in a prior entry, since we are newlyweds the question has been "Are you going to have children? and When?" I have been vague in my answers but now I"ll level with you. I talked it over with the DH (dear husband) and got the okay to update those who read this blog.
The answer is "Yes, we would like to have children." Now its a matter of when. It hasn't been lack of effort, we actually have been trying and are currently on our 14th cycle.
FEB 2007 - Dr. check up and started prenatal vits.
APRIL 2007 - 1st month trying
NOVEMBER 2007 - HSG (procedure that injects dye into uterus and tubes, while x-rayed, to check for abnormalities or blockages) All clear, very interesting to watch also. DH also had SA (semen analysis) done and very good, super sperm!! He's very proud.
MAY 2008 - New OB/GYN. Previous Doc moved back to hometown and took my time finding my new one. Really like HER, first time having a female Doc. Talked about our next step and I have been placed in the "unexplained infertility" category. May be due to 4cm cyst I have had on my left ovary for at least the last two years.
Now it is JUNE 6,2008 and we are all set up for our first cycle using CLOMID!! Normally used to treat people with irreg. cycles or random ovulation. I have neither, pretty "textbook" cycles and with temping and using OPKs (ovulation predictor kits) the doc and I are sure I'm Oing. This will hopefully up my chanced of conceiving, with only a ten percent chance of twins, one percent of triplets. I can deal with that, DH not so much. He tends to look flushed and feel faint when I bring up the topic of multiples!!
Now TMI (too much information) may follow . . .
I got my period today!! Yippie. Yes, kind of excited since we have everything set up for this cycle. I will start taking my Clomid on cycle day 3 (Sun), then on Mon I have a vaginal ultrasound. Since I have that cyst and a new doctor we need to get a baseline size because this medication causes cysts and/or current ones to enlarge. I will be monitored very close during the cycle so that I don't end up with emergency surgery which would be necessary if the cyst grows to large and the weight causes my tube/ovary to twist. Painful and requires removal of ovary.
If you really want to get an insight of this cycle I have my chart online at: CD= cycle day, BD= baby dancing (sex), CM= cervical mucus, OPK= ovulation predictor kits, green highlighted areas= possible ovulation days, red highlighted areas= possible arrival of Aunt Flow, the rest is pretty self explainatory.
Well, wish us luck and keep us in your prayers!!