Next post to come is pics of our new bedroom, while its still clean.
OK, now the good stuff . . .
Had my Follicle Study Ultrasound today. I have to say "I LOVE MY NEW DOCTOR" she is awesome. Her looks remind me of Dr. ???? (I forgot her name, older blonde surgeon, kisses Kaley at the end of the last season) on Greys Antomy but younger, and she has a great sense of humor! Well the first good news is that my 4cm cyst on the left is still only 4cm. Thats good and means that it is uneffected by the Clomid. Second good news is that on the left along side the 4cm cyst I have TWO mature follicles, yeah. Third good news was the funny part, my Doc almost screamed she was so suprised when she zoomed to the right side. I have THREE (possibly four, one was hiding) mature follicles!! WOWWIE!! Normally they take the total number of follicles and divide them by 2 and that is the possible number of babies we COULD have if all works right. This gives us very good odds and my Doc said that she is pretty positive we will become pregnant sometime in the next three cycles since I responded so well to the clomid this time.
On another note, I'm currently reading a new book. I had to buy it after staying up till midnight one evening watching Oprah. She's good. "You Can Heal Your Life" , by Louise L. Hay. Just another one about positive thinking, kind of like "The Secret". I don't necessarily agree that you can heal cancer but I like the mantras and techniques to reprograming your thinking for better outcomes. What can it hurt?!?
My guinea pig, my muse! Notice I will be posting random photos now since I need to find new subjects to master my new camera!! The last one will show just how desperate I am!!
Here is my newest success . . . RADISHES!! From our very own garden!! They were delicious and I have two different produces under my belt. The first is tomatoes from last year!! Two small steps for us, and soon one giant savings at the grocery store, ya right!
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