Wednesday, August 27, 2008

New News

Early this week I joined Facebook. Thanks to my Steph-mom (not a type-o, thats my nickname for her), she joined and then for me to see her profile I had to join then I seen everyone else on there that I lost contact with and now I'm addicted. Even put pics on there and filled out cheesy "All About Me" stuff!! I will never seem to disconnect for modern technology!! Oh Well!!

Another thing that's new has to do with the babymaking part of our life. DH and I have talk about how things are going and have decided to start looking into the adoption process. Lucky us, I have a client that is in the adoption field and, even luckier for us, she was in today and said she could help us get started. I don't know how this is going to go yet emotionally, but so far I have a good feeling that makes this option worth checking out.

1 comment:

Soupy said...

I know how difficult this is for you :(
Remember I can always listen and be vented to if you wanna chat sometime, just let me know!

Praying for you guys! Give the puppers a big hug and kiss, and continue to take care of yourself-the mind/body thing really does play into effect w/it all, too

also, have you looked into the "Stirrup Queen's" blog on the side links on my blog? That's the ultimate in infertility blogging- she has a blog roll w/about 1000 diff. infertility blogs.........very good resource!