Friday, January 30, 2009

17 weeks

We are in the 17th week starting tomorrow! I am getting more and more excited. Evertime I see a baby I find myself imagining what ours will look like, how it will feel to be out with him or her, and watching DH be a father! Breathtaking already.

I have started to feel slight flutters and some faint "bubbles". It happens so quick that it stops me in my tracks and leaves me wondering and waiting for it to get stronger.

My new "diet" is going very well. Lots of fruits and veggies, soups, chicken and some sandwiches. Popsicles are my new fav desert. All it takes is for me to remember the pain of the gallbladder attack and the fact that I don't want surgery while I'm PG. Cutting out fats and oily foods is hard but knowing its for baby makes it so worth it. Bright side I won't have to lose 80 lbs.

Next appt is Feb 16th, then we will schedule the ultrasound. I've been checking Youtube for the weekly u/s videos. Can't wait for a glimpse of our little one and find out if its a boy or girl!!


Julia said...

Just wait the flutters turn into full blown punches. You'll be walking or talking and all of a sudden. BAM! Hi Mom.

It's moving along nicely.

Chelle said...

Sounds like you are doing good on your diet. That's wonderful!

Sandra said...

Hi! I linked to your blog from Got Embryos. I'm very happy for you! Good luck and hang in there!