Sunday, October 26, 2008

A weekend to my self, sort of.

My DH left early Sat. morning (hunting camp). He is so sweet when he gets worried that I'm alone all weekend. Silly man. I love him but I also love my "me" time.

Saturday I had to work a bit, then I invited my mom to stop in so I could give her a color and haircut. It's the easiest way to pay her back for being such a great mom. Every woman loves a little pampering, lucky me to be in the business!!

My sis, Lori, got dropped off by her BF. She had her 4th ankle surgery about 4 weeks ago and can't put weight on it yet (so no driving either). We all went out for lunch, then shopping. We stopped at Goodwill to piece together my witch (bitch) costume, found a really funky shaul and black skirt. I'll have to remember to take some pics!!

After all that, I relaxed all night with my baby boy (Roscoe, the dog). Would have been nice to include a glass of wine but I'm in my 2WW and can't justify it. For that reason, I also skipped out on meeting Lori and another friend out at the bar. Battle of the Bands was going on, but if any of the bands sucked its not like I could drink to make them sound better.

Today with some anxiety from Roscoe (needed to go out, and wanted to be fed) I got up and went to the store for the Sunday papers. I still like to read the Duluth News Tribune even though I haven't lived there for 8 years, I miss it and like to someway keep in touch. I also get the Grand Rapids Herald Review. Tiny paper but I need to find out what there is to do in this town for the winter. I am not gonna get stuck in the Blahs of Winter!!

Later I'm going to my moms for dinner. She's making lasangna and I can't resist!! So much for my weekend to myself. Jerry is jealous about the lasangna part, so I bring him home a piece (if there is any left).

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