The Greatest Dog EVER!!
I am super hormonally sensitive lately. For those of you who don't know me personally, even before I was pregnant I would cry at commericals and when I was younger I was not allowed to watch "Lasie, "Flipper", "Benji", or any thing with animals in danger or lost. Tears would flow at the thought of any of them getting hurt or killed. So can you imagine me now!?!?
I feel so much conflict after reading some of my other bloggers experiences. I am drawn back into the "what ifs" and "how comes". I've found that with my emotional state so very sensitive, it keeps me in check to the awareness of others' losses and my own blessings.
To Emilies family over at "Lemmondrops", her husband Steve and their two boys (2 years old and 9 months old) I am so sorry for the loss of her to cancer. Her blog, even though I had only been reading it for the last couple months, gave me a clearer understanding of the importance of daily life. Emilie and Steve's dedication also showed the strength of the faith they shared as a family.
And to my friend over at "Life in our Nutchell", Chell's miscarriage and the honest emotions she shares since then. I wish I could wrap my arms around them and make them feel whole again. I know this is not my purpose and this "well wishing" won't change anything, but I feel like I am only able to wave at them from the other side of these life events with pangs of guilt for how far I've made it so far. Yet they still have understanding and strength to say the best of prayers for the rest of our journey.
I always have those mixed feelings after the holidays. The relief of them being done and no more hussle and bussle, but the blahs of back to work and the daily grind. But this year I am so thankful I still have baby to keep me looking forward to 2009. I can't believe that I am at 12 weeks, it so surreal! Excited about having a baby bump, feeling the first kicks, my next u/s to "see" our little one, finding out if its a boy or girl, getting the nursery ready, anticipation of the arrival, and the homecoming. Cheers to 2009!
My hopes for 2009 are to quit, lose, and save.
QUIT taking my life and family for granted,
LOSE my would've, could've, should've attitude,
and SAVE my memories that have renewed my faith in god, people, and the future.